La pandemia del COVID-19 ha tomado al mundo por sorpresa, causando una emergencia sanitaria sin precedentes. Los países del Caribe adoptaron medidas de contención para frenar la propagación de la enfermedad y aplanar la curva[1] basándose en las experiencias y lecciones previas alrededor del mundo. Las acciones abarcaron desde límites a las actividades sociales y cierre de los … [Leer más...] about COVID-19 en el Caribe: los próximos desafíos
Aldo Musacchio
Aldo Musacchio
Aldo Musacchio, a Professor of Management and Economics at Brandeis International Business School, specializes in the study of state-owned enterprises (SOEs). He's written extensively on the topic, including the book "Reinventing State Capitalism: Leviathan in Business, Brazil and Beyond" (Harvard University Press, 2014) with Sergio G. Lazzarini, where they explore the performance implications of various governance structures in SOEs. Musacchio and Emilio I. Pineda edited "Fixing State-Owned Enterprises: New Policy Solutions to Old Problems" (IADB, 2019), which offers innovative practices to enhance the reporting and performance of SOEs. In "Smoldering Embers: Do State-Owned Enterprises Threaten Fiscal Stability in the Caribbean?" Gerardo Reyes-Tagle, Musacchio and others study the sources of fiscal risk stemming from SOEs in small island nations and the challenges in implementing modern corporate governance practices. With the World Bank he has produced a series of papers and a book investigating the performance and fiscal risk of infrastructure SOEs.