Durante el 2020, la demanda de electricidad se ha visto seriamente afectada por las medidas de confinamiento implementada por los gobiernos para enfrentar la pandemia del COVID-19 y por los consecuentes efectos en el aparato productivo a nivel mundial. El efecto de esta reducción en la demanda se tradujo en disminuciones en el precio de la electricidad en la mayoría de los … [Read more...] about Demanda y precio de la energía eléctrica en Argentina: impacto de la pandemia y tendencias
Alejandro Paramo

Alejandro Paramo
Alejandro Páramo worked as consultant in the Knowledge Team of the Energy Division at the IDB. Previously, he worked as advisor at the Direction of Infrastructure and Sustainable Energy at the National Planning Department of Colombia, where he was in charge of the formulation and evaluation of policies and public investment projects for the mining and energy sector. He also worked as economic researcher at EAFIT University and the Central Bank of Colombia in topics related with the electricity market and the oil economy in Colombia. Alejandro did his undergraduate degree in Economics at Universidad de Antioquia, holds a Masters’ degree in Economics from Universidad EAFIT, and is currently a Master of Public Policy candidate at the University of Chicago.