Girls outperform boys in high school and are more likely to persist in and graduate from college and earn graduate degrees. To understand why this is happening, new research by DiPrete and Buchmann suggests you need to look no further than 8th grade grades. Girls start school more ready to learn than boys. By kindergarten, girls are substantially more attentive, eager to … [Lee más...] about Why Girls Do Better
academic success
Relevant vs. “Realevant”
*Written by Claudia Uribe “The best teacher is the one who knows who we are; the one who listens, who asks questions and cares about our interests and passions; the one whose enthusiasm about teaching is contagious and who will try again and again until his or her students have understood the material.” These were the words of a group of students who were asked about … [Lee más...] about Relevant vs. “Realevant”
Strong Bodies, Stronger Minds
I read something recently that I found amazing. There is something that schools can do to increase education results by 20% and raise future employment by 40%. In addition, it boosts important social and emotional skills, as well as health prospects. No, it isn’t more computers, or high stakes testing, or even universal high quality early childhood development (a crusade of … [Lee más...] about Strong Bodies, Stronger Minds