The Caribbean’s leading technology and innovation summit is on in Montego Bay this weekend. Tech Beach Retreat is flipping the stereotype of sun, sea and sand literally on its head, bringing some of the best minds in global innovation together for a weekend of collaboration and networking. But it’s more than a talk shop and drinks on the beach, the level of discourse aims to … [Read more...] about Technology on the beach
Innovation & Change
If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it: ensuring quality education and training to ride the digital wave (Part 1)
The adoption of automation, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and other technologies is transforming the workplace and shifting the demand for skills. According to a recently released briefing from McKinsey, basic and advanced technological skills, higher cognitive skills, and social and emotional skills are on the rise. While these trends are happening more slowly in … [Read more...] about If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it: ensuring quality education and training to ride the digital wave (Part 1)
Artificial Intelligence and the Caribbean
We are living through the Fourth Industrial Revolution. It is driven by technological advancements that have the potential to foster innovative growth and benefit development at an unprecedented rate and scope. These technologies include Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), robotics, big data, and 3D printing. Let us focus on AI. As defined by the … [Read more...] about Artificial Intelligence and the Caribbean
Exploring Guyana’s green gold
There’s a lot of digging going on in Guyana. New discoveries of natural wealth have almost everyone interested in what lies beneath the country’s land and sea. Gerard Mekdeci is also doing some digging, but he’s planning for a different kind of harvest…one, that he hopes will bring everyone to the table of his National Fresh Farm. While he is best known for his involvement … [Read more...] about Exploring Guyana’s green gold
Boosting Trinidad’s Private Sector Engine: International experiences from across the Americas
According to the latest Global Competitiveness Report, Trinidad and Tobago ranks 83rd out of 137 countries. Climbing the ranks and increasing the competitiveness of the country could lead to several benefits. It may stimulate economic diversification and non-energy exports, correct external imbalances, generate employment, and spur innovation. In order to become more … [Read more...] about Boosting Trinidad’s Private Sector Engine: International experiences from across the Americas