A era atual está marcada pelo crescente impacto das mudanças climáticas com efeitos cada vez mais pronunciados e o aumento das consequências dos desastres em nível global, com América Latina e no Caribe entre as regiões mais impactadas, a capacidade de prevenir, mitigar, preparar, responder e se recuperar torna-se essencial para garantir a continuidade e a sustentabilidade dos … [Read more...] about O caminho para a Resiliência: novo website da Metodologia de Avaliação de Riscos de Desastres e Mudanças Climáticas do BID
Gabriella De Angelis

Gabriella De Angelis
Gabriella is a Disaster and Climate Change Risk Management consultant in the Environmental and Social Solutions Unit of the Inter-American Development Bank. Her work focuses on strengthening resilience and reducing vulnerability in the life cycle of projects. She is an architect from La Sapienza University of Rome, with a master’s degree in emergency and disaster management and a PhD in socio-natural disasters, both obtained at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. She conducted postdoctoral research in Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Measures at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. Her main interests are in sustainable management of natural resources and improving livelihoods.