Ser migrante no es fácil. Entre los muchos retos de integrarse en un nuevo país y a su sociedad, el acceso a la vivienda es uno de los más complejos. Junto con los retos económicos y administrativos que enfrenta una persona para acceder a una vivienda, con frecuencia las personas migrantes deben agregar una más: la discriminación. En un estudio del BID sobre discriminación … [Lee más...] about Cómo enfrentar la discriminación contra los migrantes en el mercado de viviendas
Emily Diaz Rivera

Emily Diaz Rivera
Emily Diaz is a consultant and research assistant in the economic team of the Andean Group Country Department of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). Previously, she worked as a research assistant at the IDB Country Office in Ecuador. She graduated with a B.A. in Economics and International Relations from Universidad San Francisco de Quito. Emily began working at the IDB as an intern at the IDB Country Office in Ecuador, where she worked as an assistant on studies aimed at identifying and measuring discrimination against diverse populations in different markets in Latin America. Prior to joining the IDB, she worked as a logistical assistant for the Civil Society Organization Grupo FARO and also has experience in the private sector, where she focused on data analysis.