Latin America regional integration can be characterized by the co-existence of multiple trade agreements: there are 33 of these in total, their membership is limited in scope, and they generally act as separate silos which lack important interconnections between them. Common sense indicates that while this “spaghetti bowl” of agreements might encourage production linkages … [Read more...] about The Spaghetti Bowl and International Supply Chains
Trade & Investment Agreements
INSTITUTIONS, EXPONENTIAL TRADE, AND EQUALITY IN THE AGE OF ALGORITHMS In a world in which globalization is being called into question, especially in developed countries, Latin Americans appear to be committed to regional integration, globalization, and free trade. These conclusions emerged from “Techno-Integration in Latin America: Institutions, Exponential Trade, and Equality … [Read more...] about TECHNO-INTEGRATION IN LATIN AMERICA
Korea and LAC: New Frontiers in the Asia-Latin American Relationship
[gdlr_notification icon="icon-flag" type="color-background" background="#fbb034" color="#ffffff"]The most important business forum between Korea and Latin America and the Caribbean was held in Seoul on October 23 and 24. Inter-American Development Bank authorities, the Ministry of Strategy and Finance, the Korean Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA) and Eximbank … [Read more...] about Korea and LAC: New Frontiers in the Asia-Latin American Relationship
The Importance of Regulatory Coherence in a World of Global Value Chains
Most products today are made globally. The inputs used in their making come from all over the world, which means producers rely on highly integrated and well-functioning supply chains to obtain the necessary inputs in a timely and cost efficient way. Consequently, regulation designed with domestic needs only is no longer sufficient. For supply chains – regional and global – to … [Read more...] about The Importance of Regulatory Coherence in a World of Global Value Chains
India: The next big opportunity for Latin American and Caribbean trade
[gdlr_notification icon="icon-flag" type="color-background" background="#FF8C00" color="#ffffff"]Free webinar on Essential Tips for Doing Business in India by ConnectAmericas, on April 6, will explore best practices to enter the Indian market and offer useful guidelines to navigate the export process. Register here![/gdlr_notification] India is the second most populous country … [Read more...] about India: The next big opportunity for Latin American and Caribbean trade