La reforma masiva del impuesto de sociedades en Estados Unidos, que redujo drásticamente las tasas de 35% a 21% pretende aumentar la inversión, crear empleos, subir los salarios y estimular el crecimiento en Estados Unidos.[1] Sin embargo, es indudable que la reforma tenga impactos globales, con probables repercusiones en América Latina y el Caribe. Estados Unidos es la … [Lee más...] Acerca deLa reforma tributaria en Estados Unidos y sus retos para América Latina y el Caribe
Vicente Fretes Cibils

Vicente Fretes Cibils
Vicente Fretes Cibils joined the Inter-American Development Bank in 2007 and is currently a Division Chief of Fiscal and Municipal Management in the Sector of Institutions for Development. Prior to joining the IDB, he worked for two decades at the World Bank, where his positions included Chief Economist in the Department of Operations for Andean Countries; Senior Economist for República Bolivariana de Venezuela; Senior Economist for Colombia and Mexico, and Lead Economist in the Poverty Reduction and Economic Management sector for the Andean Countries Department. He has taught at Argentina’s Universidad Nacional del Nordeste and at North Carolina State University, and his published works address topics in finance, applied econometrics, public finance, international economics, and economic development. He completed his undergraduate work at the Universidad Nacional del Nordeste in Argentina, and received an MBA from the University of Pennsylvania and a PhD in economics from North Carolina State University.