Mientras siguen luchando por recuperarse del impacto económico de la pandemia, los países de América Latina y el Caribe (ALC) se enfrentan a retos sin precedentes con un espacio fiscal limitado. Encontrar la estrategia de gasto adecuada es más importante que nunca. En este escenario, el avance hacia la igualdad de género ofrece una oportunidad significativa, para abordar la … [Leer más...] about Qué es la presupuestación con enfoque de género y por qué es importante para la igualdad de género y el crecimiento económico
Sophie Brown

Sophie Brown
Sophie Brown, a UK national, is a consultant for the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), UNDP and World Bank. Passionate about improving the quality of public spending, she has 20 years experience working on public finance. She has worked on face-to-face and online courses and training events for the PEFA Secretariat, World Bank, and IMF. She currently supports the gender workstream and Guyana program in the Fiscal Management Division at the IDB. She also acted as a peer reviewer for the IDB book Public Procurement in the Caribbean: Key Factors Towards Modernization (forthcoming). Recently Ms. Brown has worked on climate assessments for the World Bank and CABRI, including the work program on gender and climate. She has undergraduate degrees in resource economics, and French language and political science, and a Master's degree in commerce and economics specializing in macroeconomics. She is currently completing a Master's in competition law and a graduate degree in data analytics.