Mientras siguen luchando por recuperarse del impacto económico de la pandemia, los países de América Latina y el Caribe (ALC) se enfrentan a retos sin precedentes con un espacio fiscal limitado. Encontrar la estrategia de gasto adecuada es más importante que nunca. En este escenario, el avance hacia la igualdad de género ofrece una oportunidad significativa, para abordar la … [Leer más...] about Qué es la presupuestación con enfoque de género y por qué es importante para la igualdad de género y el crecimiento económico
Raquel Coello Cremades

Raquel Coello Cremades
Raquel Coello Cremades, PhD in International Economy and Development and a Master’s Degree in Gender and Development. Since 2017 she works as Regional Policy Specialist on Economic Empowerment at UN Women Regional office for the Americas and the Caribbean. Between October 2005 and June 2011, she was the regional coordinator of the UN Women/UNIFEM‘s Latin-American Gender Responsive Budgeting Programme. She has over 20 years of experience working as an advisor, researcher and trainer in the area of women's economic empowerment and gender responsive economic policies and budgets in more than 20 countries of Latin America, Africa and Europe. In the academic filed, she coordinated the Specialized Course in Fiscal Policy and Gender Responsive Budgeting of the PRIGEPP for FLACSO-Argentina and teaches regularly in several Postgraduate courses in Latin-America and Spain. She is also part of the International Working Group of Gender, Macroeconomics and International Economy (GEM-IWG).