El Panorama de la efectividad en el desarrollo 2018 (DEO) es un testimonio del conocido refrán "lo que se mide, es lo que se hace." A medida que en este informe se reflexiona acerca de la coyuntura global y regional, y se analizan los cambios que se están llevando a cabo al interior del Grupo BID, en el DEO se ilustran no sólo las decisiones que se tomaron en los ministerios … [Lee más...] about Cuatro medidas clave para un mayor impacto en el desarrollo
impact evaluation
Convocatoria para estudios en evaluación de impacto
Por Oscar Mitnik La Red de Evaluación de Impacto (IEN en inglés) de la Asociación de Economía de Latinoamérica y el Caribe (LACEA en inglés) invita a investigadores y expertos a enviar sus estudios para ser presentados en su Décimoprimera Reunión Anual, que se llevará en conjunto con el Forum RIDGE 2018 el 22 y 23 de mayo próximo en Montevideo, Uruguay. … [Lee más...] about Convocatoria para estudios en evaluación de impacto
Project in Brazil Shows How to Improve Educational Performance
By Marcelo Pérez Alfaro Students often complain that math is difficult to learn, and for many, it is far from their favorite subject. Improving performance is a considerable challenge because the subject is often not taught in an interesting way and not related to problems relevant to students. The state of São Paulo, Brazil launched the Tem+Matemática initiative to … [Lee más...] about Project in Brazil Shows How to Improve Educational Performance
Girls and science: The Peruvian experience
By Emma Näslund-Hadley Why is water wet? Why do I have brown eyes? Why do stars twinkle? A group of third-grade students at the Corazón de Jesús school outside Lima, Peru have been staying after school to grapple with questions like these. The children are part of a science tutoring project that aims to improve test scores and close learning gaps by getting struggling … [Lee más...] about Girls and science: The Peruvian experience
Program in Bolivia improves nutrition practices but increases prevalence of overweight children. Where did it go wrong?
By Gastón Gertner, Julia Johannsen, and Sebastián Martínez Stunting and wasting, just like anemia, have been persistent problems in several Latin American and Caribbean countries for decades. Bolivia is no exception. About three out of every 10 Bolivian children under the age of five are affected by malnutrition, the result of which is delayed growth. However, despite … [Lee más...] about Program in Bolivia improves nutrition practices but increases prevalence of overweight children. Where did it go wrong?