This year, we achieved a milestone at the Inter-American Development Bank: we hit 10 million downloads of our publications available to the public via our knowledge repository, since we began measuring the indicator in 2013. We reached this figure thanks in grand part to our strategy for disseminating knowledge online with communications campaigns, which has driven exponential … [Read more...] about The digital strategy that generated over 10 million downloads
Lessons Learned
Lessons learned can be defined as the knowledge acquired about a process or various experiences, through reflection and critical analysis of its results, and of the factors or obstacles that affected its success or encourage its failure. This concept allows us to identify cause-effect trends coming from a specific context and suggest practical and useful recommendations for the replication of this recently-acquired knowledge in new but similar scenarios.
This tag brings together all the articles in Abierto al Público that share lessons learned based on the IDB's experience in implementing development projects and creating knowledge products. This is vital for generating more open knowledge and making decisions that are appropriate and timely for social and economic development.
Open Data in Developing Economies: How Countries in Latin America and the Caribbean are Embracing a New Asset for Development
As we mentioned on the previous post, The GovLab report "Open Data in Developing Economies: Toward Building an Evidence Base on What Works and How," seeks to increase our understanding of the specific benefits of open data for countries with lower incomes, the impacts of open data on development processes, and above all, to understand what conditions can help create positive … [Read more...] about Open Data in Developing Economies: How Countries in Latin America and the Caribbean are Embracing a New Asset for Development
Open Data in Developing Economies: Translating Learning into Practice
In Brazil, parents, teachers and school officials can freely access useful data on schools’ educational spending, enrollment test scores, and amenities like innovative classroom technologies. The information available through QEdu provides the type of information that can help school personnel implement more evidence-based reforms, and help parents better understand … [Read more...] about Open Data in Developing Economies: Translating Learning into Practice
Open government in Canada: Raising the bar on openness and transparency
Canada is working to make government more open, transparent and accountable. Just over a year ago, a new government took office and one of its first initiatives was to release a suite of mandate letters. These letters, which had never been released before, give direction on priorities from the Prime Minister to Cabinet Ministers. Have a look at the letters. … [Read more...] about Open government in Canada: Raising the bar on openness and transparency
New case studies showing Open Data’s Impact
Despite global commitments to and increasing enthusiasm for open data, little is actually known about its use and impact. What kinds of social and economic transformation has open data brought about, and what is its future potential? How—and under what circumstances—has it been most effective? How have open data practitioners mitigated risks and maximized social good? The … [Read more...] about New case studies showing Open Data’s Impact