Having a disability (either congenital or acquired), being elderly (with reduced mobility or degeneration of the cognitive abilities) or being a child in a city in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) is not an easy task because most public spaces and services are neither accessible nor inclusive. In LAC, about 80 million people have some type of disability (more than the … [Read more...] about How to Plan Accessible Cities?
Cities with Pride: Inclusive Urban Planning with LGBTQ + People
To commemorate today´s International LGBTQ+ Pride Day, in this blog we will address why inclusion, respect, and education are key elements to build cities but also, a more inclusive society in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). Discrimination against the LGBTQ+ people in accessing public space Urban spaces reflect social relations, but also, they can reproduce systems … [Read more...] about Cities with Pride: Inclusive Urban Planning with LGBTQ + People
Three Factors Barring Women from Accessing Housing Credit
In Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) social exclusion has a clear gender component. Life expectancy among woman is always lower than that of men in the region, regardless their income and type of neighborhood. A recent study reveals that the life expectancy of women living in the lowest income neighborhoods of Santiago de Chile, Panama City, Mexico City, Belo … [Read more...] about Three Factors Barring Women from Accessing Housing Credit
How to improve urban planning and water governance by strengthening water management in cities?
On the World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought, we want to get close to the metropolitan area of Lima and Callao. Here, the competent authorities are acting to tackle the shortage of water that affects to a large part of its population. This problem, although it is being worsen by the effects of climate change, has its origin in past poor water and urban … [Read more...] about How to improve urban planning and water governance by strengthening water management in cities?
3 reasons why cities should consult the IDB´s “Guide for disaster risk identification, analysis and adaptation”
Today is World Oceans Day. In addition to being a source of food, the oceans are essential for human life, as they absorb more than 90% of the excess of atmospheric heat trapped by greenhouse gases. The effects of climate change are disrupting not only marine ecosystems, but the people who depend on them. According to the UN, 40% of the total population lives less than 100 km … [Read more...] about 3 reasons why cities should consult the IDB´s “Guide for disaster risk identification, analysis and adaptation”