International competition for social interest architecture in wood They purify the air, regulate the climate, control rainfall, protect the soil from erosion and serve as a home for hundreds of animal and plant species. Can anybody doubt of the many benefits that trees offer us? They deserve our care and protection. The controlled felling of trees, although many people … [Read more...] about Earth Day 2023: promoting the use of wood as a sustainable construction material in Uruguay
Sustainable development
Between 1950 and 2014, Latin America and the Caribbean urbanized at an unprecedented rate, increasing its urban population from 50 to 80 percent (as a percentage of the total); a figure that is expected to reach 86 percent by 2050. On the other hand, Latin American cities are extremely vulnerable to extreme weather events, droughts and floods: three-quarters of Latin Americans live in low-lying coastal areas. How to promote sustainable urban development? Learn more by reading our blog and downloading this publication.
How does the IDB Group support the development of women in cities?
In March, the IDB Group celebrates Women's Month and it is a good opportunity to highlight our work to contribute to an inclusive development model that allows us to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), particularly as they relate to gender equality and inclusive cities. As a result of the IDB's commitment in this matter, the Bank was invited to participate, on March … [Read more...] about How does the IDB Group support the development of women in cities?
Ten blog posts to celebrate ten years of Ciudades Sostenibles
Ciudades Sostenibles just celebrated its 10th anniversary this year. Since May 2012, more than 800 blog posts have informed our loyal readers every week about the challenges, opportunities, trends and urban projects with the greatest impact on urban development in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). From the IDB's Housing and Urban Development Division, we would like to … [Read more...] about Ten blog posts to celebrate ten years of Ciudades Sostenibles
Cities on pedals: The IDB Group’s commitment to cycling infrastructure
Using the bicycle, instead of motorized vehicles, to move around our cities is becoming more and more popular around the world. The health restrictions of the pandemic were, in many cases, the main incentive for some us to discover the benefits of this vehicle. Nevertheless, at the moment, the increase in fuel prices, as a result of the war in Ukraine, is making of cycling … [Read more...] about Cities on pedals: The IDB Group’s commitment to cycling infrastructure
The cities of Latin America and the Caribbean: spaces of contrasts
The cities of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) are full of contrasts. They are the place where poverty and extreme poverty rub shoulders daily with wealth and extreme wealth. Without going any further, 184 million (equivalent to 30% of the total population) of people live in poverty in the region, and 1 out of 4 people who live in urban areas live in informal … [Read more...] about The cities of Latin America and the Caribbean: spaces of contrasts