The IX Annual Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) Group-Caribbean Civil Society Meeting, held November 12, 2019 in Barbados, brought together experts and regional representatives to dive deep into the theme “Citizen Engagement for Transparency”. Therese Turner-Jones, General Manager for the Caribbean Country Department (CCB) in the IDB, in her discussion at the forum, called … [Read more...] about Engaging Citizens for Transparent Societies: How is the Caribbean doing?
Innovation & Change
Recognizing service in the public service
When we think about public services in Trinidad and Tobago, long waiting lines, poor customer service, understaffed offices and outdated technologies may come to mind. However, no one can argue that the public service isn’t vital to supporting a country’s economy, preserving the well being of its citizens (especially the most vulnerable) and maintaining order. Indeed, we often … [Read more...] about Recognizing service in the public service
Online education for the Caribbean’s educators
As I learned about Veola Stewart’s story one week after the unprecedented destruction by hurricane Dorian, I was reminded of how distance education started out as a necessity, and not just a convenience. “I am a product of online education”, says Veola. A few years ago, she was a teacher in a rural area in her home country of The Bahamas. Online education enabled her to … [Read more...] about Online education for the Caribbean’s educators
What is the Contingent Credit Facility?
Hurricane Dorian’s impact on The Bahamas is a reminder that natural disasters can cause devastating loss of life and property, and impacted countries could have urgent financing needs for emergency response following a catastrophic event. The Inter-American Development Bank’s Contingent Credit Facility for Natural Disaster Emergencies (CCF) is designed to provide a financial … [Read more...] about What is the Contingent Credit Facility?
Developing skills for new technologies in the Caribbean
New technologies and big data are increasing the demand for skills, including digital skills and high-level cognitive skills. Caribbean private sector can influence the types of skills it needs from its workforce and play an active role in increasing productivity and competitiveness in the region – and globally. Evidence suggests that low skills in the workforce make it … [Read more...] about Developing skills for new technologies in the Caribbean