BID e SABESP trabalham juntos para consolidar uma operação de conversão de dívida por US$ 495 milhões As consequências financeiras da pandemia do coronavírus têm sido enormes e estão apenas começando a tomar forma no setor de água e saneamento. Nos Estados Unidos, uma avaliação preparada pela American Water Works Association indica que o impacto financeiro agregado … [Leia mais...] about Conheça a operação que apoia a estabilidade financeira da maior operadora de água e saneamento da América Latina e Caribe
Tiago Pena Pereira

Tiago Pena Pereira
Brazilian, Civil Engineer from the University of Brasília (UnB 2004), Master in Finance from HEC-ULg (Université de Liège 2012), Specialist in Project Management from Fundação Dom Cabral (FDC 2008) and PMP (Project Management Professional 2018). Over the past 20 years, he has worked on the development of large infrastructure projects in various sectors of the economy, such as mining, housing, heavy civil construction, and, finally, on development projects at the IDB – Inter-American Development Bank. Currently, he works as a Water and Sanitation Specialist at the IDB in Brazil, supporting the preparation and supervision of sovereign guaranteed operations, technical cooperation and initiatives of the Brazilian Representation and the Water and Sanitation Division. In this context, he has, under his direct supervision, several Programs that total over US$ 500 million approved, with important works in sewage, water supply, operational improvements of sanitation companies, urban drainage and urbanization of vulnerable areas, including family resettlement, among others.