Embora na última década o setor privado tenha sido muito mais ativo no investimento em infraestrutura, particularmente no Brasil, México, Colômbia e Peru; infelizmente este apetite tem sido reduzido nos últimos anos. Na prática, depois de 2014, os níveis de investimento em infraestrutura de fontes privadas e públicas diminuíram. O que explica este declínio? Seria apenas o … [Leia mais...] about Como retomar o investimento privado em infraestrutura depois da Lava Jato
Gianleo Frisari

Gianleo Frisari
Gianleo is a climate change economist at the InterAmerican Development Bank (IADB) where he focuses on climate finance and sustainable investments research to identify solutions for the mobilization of private capital. He works on financial instruments for the public sector, such as sovereign green bonds, sustainable solutions for Public-Private Partnerships, and the integration of climate change considerations in financial regulation and supervision. Before joining IDB, Gianleo was a senior analyst at the Climate Policy Initiative, working on risk mitigation and blended finance instruments low carbon investments. Before focusing on climate finance issues, Gianleo was a portfolio manager of investment programs dedicated to hedge funds and alternative assets. Gianleo holds a Ph.D. in “Science and Management of Climate Change” from Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and graduated in Economics from Bocconi University in Milan.