The power of online courses or MOOCs Several years ago, I was visiting a Bank project in a very small locality near Huancavelica, in Peru. While waiting for the rest of the team in the central square, a woman who seemed to know me approached me. Affectionately, she asked me: "Miss, are you the teacher from the IDB?" For a few seconds, I was somewhat confused and … [Read more...] about Women’s Leadership Programs: Why Do We Create Them and How?
oportunidades económicas
Paraguayan Women: Leaders of the Present
Global Gender Gaps It's been 29 years since the Fourth World Conference on Women, held in Beijing in 1995. As part of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, 189 countries proclaimed to seek "the empowerment of women and their full participation on equal terms in all spheres of society, including decision-making and access to power." However, in the midst of … [Read more...] about Paraguayan Women: Leaders of the Present
An Ethno-Racial Perspective on Non-contributory Transfer Programs
What is a Non-contributory Transfer Program? Non-contributory transfer programs are cash transfers from a government to its population that are financed from general taxes or some other item of public expenditure. In other words, those financed by funds different from the ones obtained from the contributions made by workers to the social security system. In Latin America … [Read more...] about An Ethno-Racial Perspective on Non-contributory Transfer Programs
Care and Support: Persisting Challenges in the Region
Why was an International Day of Care and Support established? All people require care and support at some point in their lives. As defined by UN Women and ECLAC (2020), care encompasses various daily tasks that sustain life. This includes maintaining the household, caring for bodily needs, education, managing social relationships, and providing psychological support to the … [Read more...] about Care and Support: Persisting Challenges in the Region
Gender Pay Gap: What Do Flexibility and Caregiving Have to Do with It?
Eliminating the gender pay gap for equal work is one of the targets of Sustainable Development Goal 8. In 2019, to drive action toward its achievement, the United Nations General Assembly declared September 18 International Equal Pay Day. While eliminating the wage gap is an aspiration with which we all agree, it is one of the most difficult labor market outcomes to … [Read more...] about Gender Pay Gap: What Do Flexibility and Caregiving Have to Do with It?