Para leer en español, haz click aquí Follow @calemann This question was debated by promoters and detractors of an anti-rape technology that allows women to detect drugs in their drinks with a quick stir of the finger. An ongoing discussion about the effectiveness of this and other gadgets such as anti-rape underwear was recently underway amidst heightened public awareness … [Read more...] about Can nail polish prevent rape?
The importance of being Robert
Join the celebration of the International Women's Day Para leer en español, haz clic aquí My middle name is Robert, but I am sure my parents would have thought more about making it my first name if they had known what a recent study has revealed: for large U.S. companies, more board seats are held by men named Robert, John, James and William than by all women combined. In … [Read more...] about The importance of being Robert
The problem of women’s images in serious media
Para leer en español, haz click aquí Follow @AArmbrister_BID Inspired by a video that revealed that images of women in a popular British newspaper were one-dimensional, I endeavored to see how a popular, prize-winning Colombian news magazine was portraying women. I bought two copies of the December 21, 2014 through January 4, 2015 edition and, lacking a handy team of cutting … [Read more...] about The problem of women’s images in serious media
Most popular posts of 2014
Para leer en español, haz click aquí Follow @LoretoSetien Our blog, your blog Let´s talk about equality is living its first end of the year. Born in March, in commemoration of the International Women's Day, in these 10 months of life it has grown thanks to your interest and commitment to equality in our region. The 74 posts written by the IDB´s Gender and Diversity … [Read more...] about Most popular posts of 2014
Is the personal also professional?
Do home lives have a direct impact on professional careers? Para leer en español, haz click aquí Follow @AArmbrister_BID “What does your husband do?” a woman asks me as she picks through some of my garage sale items. “I don´t have a husband,” I respond. She excuses herself and explains that she should know better. But should she? This is the 587th time I have been asked … [Read more...] about Is the personal also professional?