Para combatir el cambio climático, los países necesitan reducir dramáticamente sus emisiones de dióxido de carbono. Las políticas de fijación de precio de carbono pueden ayudar a alanzar este objetivo porque establecen un impuesto o tasa a los responsables de este tipo de emisiones, y tienen por lo tanto el potencial de contribuir para mitigar el calentamiento global. Dado … [Leer más...] about América Latina y Caribe necesita aumentar las tasas de imposición a las emisiones de carbono para mitigar el cambio climático
Hildegart Ahumada
Hildegart Ahumada is a research fellow and former professor of econometrics at the School of Government of the Di Tella University. Fellow of National Academy of Economic Sciences of Argentina. Visiting professor of econometrics at the University of CEMA, Buenos Aires. M Phil in Economics (University of Oxford). Fellow of the John S. Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. Former Head of the Economic Research Department at the Central Bank of Argentina and Past President of the Argentine Economic Association. Visiting research fellow of Nuffield College (University of Oxford). Her research interest covers: time series, panel data and climate econometrics, forecasting and applied economic modelling.

Hildegart Ahumada
Hildegart Ahumada is a research fellow and former professor of econometrics at the School of Government of the Di Tella University. Fellow of National Academy of Economic Sciences of Argentina. Visiting professor of econometrics at the University of CEMA, Buenos Aires. M Phil in Economics (University of Oxford). Fellow of the John S. Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. Former Head of the Economic Research Department at the Central Bank of Argentina and Past President of the Argentine Economic Association. Visiting research fellow of Nuffield College (University of Oxford). Her research interest covers: time series, panel data and climate econometrics, forecasting and applied economic modelling.