5 min. read.
Were you able to join the BIDAcademy Knowledge Week? If your answer is yes, perfect! We celebrate and appreciate that you were part of the more than 16,000 people that registered for this event. If you were unable to do so, we have excellent news for you: all the sessions were recorded, and the knowledge materials are available for you to access them!
Let’s recap
The first BIDAcademy Knowledge Week took place from June 27 to July 1, 2022, and Verónica Ruiz del Vizo (CEO of Working on Solutions, Digital Strategist and Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum) was our moderator and Master of Ceremonies.
Guided by Verónica, we navigated five days of knowledge. In this sense, Verónica had the opportunity to introduce and talk with experts, influencers, and leaders at a global level, while our audience listened and learned about the actionable knowledge that the IDB has generated.
Below, we present a thematic breakdown of the five days that made up the knowledge week. We highlight links to the recordings on the IDB YouTube channel, to other relevant available resources and, of course, to the Career Fair sessions that closed out four of the five days of this event, during which our specialists shared tips on how to strengthen your career path.
Day 1 – Digital Government
BIDAcademy Knowledge Week
On the first day, we talked about digital transformation in government, answering questions such as: are digital government projects making the public sector more efficient? This day allowed us to analyze what the data says about this, and to review the role that institutional capacity plays in the transition to digitalization. During the career fair, our experts provided tips for using LinkedIn to your advantage and improving your CV.
Knowledge resources on digital government:
- Digital transformation and public employment
- The Digital Transformation of Latin American Tax Administrations
- Cybersecurity Report 2020: risks, progress, and the way forward in Latin America and the Caribbean
Day 2: Regional integration
BIDAcademy Knowledge Week
On day 2, we talked about value chains, the fragmentation of production cycles, and the interconnection of the economies of the Latin American and Caribbean region, among other things. However, not everything is about commercial goods. Global value chains also extend to knowledge exchange, as well as to creative industries. To finish the day, experts helped us optimize our networking tactics, explore job opportunities at the IDB, and prepare to succeed in job interviews.
Knowledge resources on regional integration
Day 3 – Gender and diversity
BIDAcademy Knowledge Week
The region has experienced undeniable progress in terms of gender and diversity. However, gaps remain, and the crisis generated by the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated them. For the wellbeing of the population, any development agenda must have effective inclusion strategies, therefore we spent the third day of the event discussing possible solutions for gender and diversity issues. Towards the end of the day, we had a session in which IDB experts explained how they work to eliminate bias when hiring new personnel, and how they foster attitudes of inclusion and respect among IDB colleagues.
Knowledge resources on gender and diversity
- Online courses’ gender and diversity mainstreaming guidelines
- Online services for women survivors or at risk of sexual and gender-based violence (in Spanish)
Day 4 – Enablers of the private sector
BIDAcademy Knowledge Week
On the fourth day, we focused on the necessary conditions for digital technologies to revolutionize the productive and entrepreneurial sectors in the region. We talked to some successful entrepreneurs who told us about their experiences and the strategies that would help future projects launch faster. On the last day of the career fair, IDB experts organized an interactive workshop on how to prepare a résumé.
Knowledge resources on enablers of the private sector
- Public-Private Partnerships: Challenges, lessons learned and innovative solutions in Latin America and the Caribbean (in Spanish)
- Design and management of development projects
- Living with the coronavirus: How to take advantage of inertia to digitize SMEs (in Spanish)
- Large companies, startups and innovation in Latin America: promises and challenges (in Spanish)
- Resilience and reinvention of Latin American entrepreneurs in the context of the impact caused by the pandemic (in Spanish)
Day 5 – Climate change and sustainability
BIDAcademy Knowledge Week
We closed this event with a key topic that has an impact on our daily lives: climate change. We had the opportunity to learn about success stories from initiatives generated by the IDB Climate Change division and IDB lnvest. We also sought to promote dialogue and knowledge sharing, giving way to new ideas and new projects to help position the region to deal with climate-related issues.
Knowledge resources on climate change and sustainability
- Infraestructura sostenible: un enfoque integral del desarrollo
- Natural Disasters and Climate change risk assessment in infrastructure projects
- How Much Will It Cost to Achieve the Climate Goals in Latin America and the Caribbean?
- The infrastructure gap in Latin America and the Caribbean: Investment needed through 2030 to meet the Sustainable Development Goals.
- Energía para el futuro (in English)
- Ciudades sostenibles (in English)
- Hablemos de sostenibilidad y cambio climático (in English)
- Negocios sostenibles (in English)
BIDAcademy Knowledge Week in numbers
The reality exceeded our expectations, especially considering that this was the first edition of an event that we intend to do on a recurring basis. We applaud your interest!
- A total of 27 sessions with 90 speakers, of which 56% were women
- Broadcast on 4 platforms (YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram) and in 3 different languages
- 16,424 registrations in a total of 94 countries
- A total of 27,987 registered interactions (likes, shares, saves, clicks and links)
- An average of 10,000 people connected per day
- 3,000 digital participation credentials issued

Digital badge for the first day: Digital Government Day Participant
Do you want to know more about digital credentials? Join this community!
These figures encourage us while we continue our journey as a BIDAcademy community. Thanks again for being part of this event! We do not want to close this article without reminding you of our motto: we created it, but BIDAcademy is yours.
By Adela Barrio, Ana Libisch, Viviana Garay and Nicolás Jaramillo.
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