7 min read. Massive open online courses (MOOCs) are courses offered virtually with the aim of providing open and affordable educational options for people around the globe. Typically, MOOCs are used as a teaching tool in two ways: as a vehicle to replicate face-to-face classroom settings, or to innovate pedagogically. It is important to note that the use of technology … [Read more...] about Pedagogical innovation in MOOCs: storytelling as a teaching and learning tool.
Verónica Sánchez

Verónica Sánchez
Verónica has worked for five years as a project coordinator on the IDBx team, in Washington DC. She has participated in the process of coordination, budget management, production and implementation of more than 11 Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) from the IDB on the edX platform; and in the implementation of 30 editions of these courses, which cover topics as diverse as Big Data, Digital Economy, Water and Sanitation, etc. During the pandemic, she contributed to the development of standards on how to record quality video remotely and to develop training for presenters. Previously, Verónica worked as a communications officer at the Colegio Alemán de Concepción in Chile, and supporting the Arauco forestry company in communications.