7 min read. Massive open online courses (MOOCs) are courses offered virtually with the aim of providing open and affordable educational options for people around the globe. Typically, MOOCs are used as a teaching tool in two ways: as a vehicle to replicate face-to-face classroom settings, or to innovate pedagogically. It is important to note that the use of technology … [Read more...] about Pedagogical innovation in MOOCs: storytelling as a teaching and learning tool.
Marie Reid

Marie Reid
Marie began working at the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) in 2018 as an instructional designer and is currently working with the IDBx program team to design and develop online courses. Prior to this, she worked in the Caribbean in various areas of education including curriculum & instruction, academic planning, educational administration, strategic planning, and quality assurance and accreditation. Marie earned her bachelor's and master's degrees from Nova Southeastern University, and a second master's degree in instructional design & technology from the American College of Education. Her favorite hobby is DJing.