I was attending a symposium in the Bahamas when I heard the following in one of the panels: “We need to teach the silos to dance together.” Clearly, the phrase hadn’t come out of the blue. And it immediately struck a chord with me. The meeting was focused on how the Small Island Developing States (SIDS) can meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). While sitting in one … [Read more...] about Time for the Silos to Dance – achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Economy & Investment
How Project Management Skills can Reduce Poverty
By Ernesto Mondelo Director, Program of Project Management for Results (PM4R) According to a recent study from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), only 60 percent of the funds available for investment each year in Latin American and Caribbean nations are actually spent due in large part to procurement challenges at the country level and regular turnover of … [Read more...] about How Project Management Skills can Reduce Poverty
What are the prospects for growth in the Caribbean in 2017?
Storm clouds linger... A story in USAToday regarding 2016 described the year as “…many things: controversial, infuriating, triumphant. One thing that it wasn't? Boring.” This also holds true for Caribbean countries that are members of the IDB. The bottom line: storm clouds linger but at the same time there are also opportunities to make progress. While overall economic … [Read more...] about What are the prospects for growth in the Caribbean in 2017?
The Gender Divide in the Caribbean: Mind the Gap
Source: World Economic Forum Global Gender Gap Reports from 2006-2016 The graphs above show how a select number of countries in the Caribbean have been doing in the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) annual Global Gender Gap Report from its inception in 2006 to 2016. Before we take a look at the heart of the data, three important things to know about the graphs are as … [Read more...] about The Gender Divide in the Caribbean: Mind the Gap
Things that the Nation Needs: Effective Public Financial Management
By Kamau Joseph (@kamauj_868) In a time riddled with uncertainty, how governments manage public finances can significantly impact the country’s debt burden, the fiscal space within which they operate and the lives of their constituents, especially those who belong to the working class. A World Bank report published in 2015 stated, “In most Caribbean countries, the public … [Read more...] about Things that the Nation Needs: Effective Public Financial Management