Ask my five siblings to pinpoint the number one need that we faced growing up and you may quite likely hear very different answers from each of them. One may say financial provision, others may say it was the availability of more dynamic educational opportunities, and still another may describe regret for not having the kind of mentorship that encouraged a greater sense of … [Read more...] about Towards Better Times Together in the Caribbean
Economy & Investment
After the Storm
Just over a year ago, Puerto Rico was waking up to a new landscape. Like neighboring Caribbean territories, the devastation of Hurricanes Urma and Maria left the island unrecognizable to its inhabitants. Since then, it’s been a slow march to recovery for the region, all while a dark cloud of imminent disaster looms. But a silver lining is beginning to shine through. The … [Read more...] about After the Storm
The Influential Seven: More than a Talk Shop
Each year the IDB group gathers international thought leaders and high-level policy-makers from the Caribbean region. The Annual Consultation of Caribbean Governors, as it is called, is an opportunity for 6 Ministers of Finance and Planning from the region and 1 representative from the Caribbean Development Bank to engage influential leaders on the cutting edge of technology … [Read more...] about The Influential Seven: More than a Talk Shop
Why is financial inclusion so important, and what common challenges does Jamaica face? (Part 2)
Despite tremendous strides towards economic stabilization, fiscal responsibility, and debt reduction, financial sector depth and development in Jamaica lags behind many of its peers. Recent improvements in institutional capacity, policy discipline, and structural factors suggest that there is considerable scope to accelerate financial sector development and to broaden access … [Read more...] about Why is financial inclusion so important, and what common challenges does Jamaica face? (Part 2)
What’s holding back financial deepening and development in Jamaica? (Part 1)
Despite tremendous strides towards economic stabilization, fiscal responsibility, and debt reduction, financial sector development, access, and inclusion in Jamaica lag behind many of its peers. Recent improvements in institutional capacity, policy discipline, and structural factors suggest that there is considerable scope to accelerate financial sector development and to … [Read more...] about What’s holding back financial deepening and development in Jamaica? (Part 1)