Post publicado originalmente em: A América Latina e o Caribe são uma potência da natureza, abrigando mais de 40% da biodiversidade mundial, 12% de manguezais, 10% de seus recifes de corais e a maior extensão de áreas úmidas. Também enfrenta uma … [Leia mais...] about Como impulsionar o investimento em soluções baseadas na natureza na América Latina e no Caribe
Suzanne Ozment
Suzanne is Senior Associate for Cities4Forests at the World Resources Institute's (WRI), where she researches the design of profitable nature-based solutions to water insecurity and climate change. She works with business, financial institutions, government, water utilities, and civil society to scope out smart investment opportunities to protect and restore watersheds, and to advance policies that enable strategic watershed management.

Suzanne Ozment
Suzanne is a Senior Associate with World Resources Institute's (WRI) Natural Infrastructure Initiative and Cities4Forests, where she works with business, financial institutions, government, and civil society to manage climate and water risk through adoption of nature-based solutions (NBS). Suzanne and her team utilize biophysical, economic, and institutional analysis to integrate natural capital into policy and investment decisions. Her work with the Inter-American Development Bank includes a series of foundational knowledge products, NBS for Latin America and the Caribbean, which explores current trends of NBS adoption in the region and outlines priorities to scale them.