Dos municípios brasileiros com mais de 500 mil habitantes, 93% já foram atingidos por alagamentos e 62% por deslizamentos. Apesar disso, mais da metade deles não têm planos de gestão de risco, e apenas 25% consideram no Plano Diretor medidas de prevenção de enchentes e enxurradas. Essa realidade se repete para outros países na América Latina e … [Leia mais...] about Quais os desafios para desenvolver uma infraestrutura urbana resiliente na América Latina?
Benoit Lefevre

Benoit Lefevre
Benoit Lefevre, PhD is an urban economist and an engineer in agronomics working as a senior specialist at the Climate Change division of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), currently based in the country office of the Dominican Republic. His work focuses on design and implementation of national and local policy and investment in all sectors of the bank, and on improving climate friendliness of IDB-Group operations for both mitigation and adaptation, leveraging climate finance and catalyzing private investment in clean and resilient solutions. Prior to joining the Dominican office of IDB, Benoit worked at IDB Headquarter in Washington DC where he led or participated in operations on transport, energy, cities and natural disasters in Mexico, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Panama, Colombia, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Peru, Ecuador, and Paraguay. Benoit also represented the IDB in the MDBs joined Working Group for Mitigation Climate Finance Tracking, and in the IFI Technical Working Group on GHG accounting. Previously, Benoit worked for the World Resources Institute (WRI) as Global Director of Energy, Climate & Finance of the Center for Sustainable Cities. In this role he led activities on alternative business models, municipal finance, capacity-building, upstream project preparation, urban energy modeling and integrated transport-land use policies. Prior to joining WRI, Benoit was director of the Urban Fabric program at IDDRI and visiting scholar at Berkeley University. Trained engineer, he holds a PhD in economics and finance, and did his post-doctorate at Colombia University. Benoit was Lead-author for 5th Assessment Report of the IPCC. He is author of 5 books, several academic papers and opinion columns.