ENGLISH En el Día internacional de la mujer rural 2024, celebramos el papel esencial que desempeñan éstas en el desarrollo de sus comunidades. A pesar de los desafíos que enfrentan, las mujeres continúan liderando iniciativas que transforman vidas, especialmente en el acceso al agua potable y saneamiento “El agua es vida”, como lo expresa una beneficiaria de Costa … [Leer más...] about Empoderando a las mujeres rurales a través del agua y el saneamiento
Andrea Ortega C

Andrea Ortega C
Andrea Ortega C. is a journalist, international consultant on communication and gender, and a PhD candidate in feminist studies at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. She currently collaborates with various international organizations and NGOs in the United States, Spain, and Chile, developing communication strategies and content with a feminist perspective. Previously, she served as Senior Communications Associate at the IDB, where she led the content for the Social Sector during the pandemic. Andrea holds a master’s degree in Corporate Communication from Georgetown University and another in Gender Studies from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. She is the author of the book "Chile: The Business of the 21st Century" (Santiago, 2012), as well as several academic articles exploring the intersection of gender and communication.