Have you ever visited the sea? Have you wondered how essential its services are in our daily life? Enjoying all that it gives us, in terms of food and entertainment, could be at risk if we do not take immediate action on the management of its resources and the protection of its ecosystems. This body of water, so old and so full of life, occupies 70% of the Earth's surface, and … [Read more...] about Will Peru have enough seafood in 50 years? The reason for sustainable fishing
Climate change
Buildings vs. climate change: Building adaptation and mitigation
The construction sector is growing at unprecedented rates and it is estimated that, during the next 40 years, 230 billion square meters of new infrastructure will be built in the world. The sector, between construction works and buildings, is one of the most important sources of pollution worldwide since it consumes 36% of global energy and produces 39% of CO2 … [Read more...] about Buildings vs. climate change: Building adaptation and mitigation
Pioneering climate fund shows us what real transformations can look like
This blog was originally posted by Negocios Sostenibles. The dry wind and unrelenting sun left one uncomfortably exposed. The wafer-thin air challenged every breath and made each step feel like my legs were encased in lead. Yet the journey into this Martian landscape disturbed by volcanoes in Chile’s Atacama Desert was well-worth it. South America’s first, and the highest … [Read more...] about Pioneering climate fund shows us what real transformations can look like
How sustainable infrastructure can help us fight climate change
In October, a climate change report struck like a bolt of lightning. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) said that without a global transformation, the world would reach 1.5°C of warming in a little over a decade. In the case of Latin America and the Caribbean, rising sea levels and more extreme, more frequent climatic events such as hurricanes are … [Read more...] about How sustainable infrastructure can help us fight climate change
Sustainable Infrastructure: From Concept to Implementation in Latin America
Infrastructure is the backbone for economic development and growth. With annual investment in infrastructure $300bn per year required, Latin American countries have a huge opportunity to shift to a more dynamic economic pathway by building better infrastructure. By focusing on the quality and sustainability elements of infrastructure projects, with strong policy and … [Read more...] about Sustainable Infrastructure: From Concept to Implementation in Latin America