The Latin America and the Caribbean region still has a long way to go when it comes to closing the gender and diversity gaps. One of the biggest challenges is closing existing knowledge gaps on the inequalities facing women, indigenous peoples, persons of African descent, persons with disabilities, and LGBTQ+ persons. Which interventions contribute to closing gender gaps in the labor market and eliminating the obstacles facing women entrepreneurs? What policies are effective at eradicating gender-based violence in the region? How can the employment gaps among different racial and ethnic groups in Latin America and the Caribbean be closed? How can statistics be improved to identify these vulnerable groups in order to better focus public policies? If you are a researcher and you want to contribute to closing the gender and diversity gaps in Latin America, GDLab’s open call for proposals—the Gender and Diversity Knowledge Initiative of the IDB—is for you.
A Continuous Call for Proposals
As its name indicates, this continuous call for research proposals does not have a deadline for submissions. GDLab’s Evaluation Committee will periodically review the proposals submitted and make quarterly funding decisions based on the criteria set forth in the call for submissions. Research teams can receive between US$15,000 and US$150,000, depending on the activities proposed for executing the project. In this first round of the call for proposals, the priority issues are:
- Recovery and job creation with a gender and inclusion perspective.
- Prevention of violence against women and care for survivors.
- Innovative models of care and health support for vulnerable populations.
- Innovative models of in-person and remote education for vulnerable populations.
- Migration patterns during the pandemic.
Once the proposals are received through GDLab’s website, they will move through process as described in the following diagram:

Who Can Participate?
All research teams and individuals can submit proposals, as well as all government, academic, and private-sector institutions. To do so, we recommend reviewing the call for submissions and carefully reviewing the form that must be filled out to apply for funding from GDLab.
Research Is More Important than Ever
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected everyone. But there is extremely worrying evidence showing that in particularly unequal regions—like Latin America and the Caribbean—the most vulnerable people have had it worse. Thus, closing existing gender and diversity gaps is more important than ever. It is in this context that GDLab’s work to promote, fund, and support the work of the most talented researchers takes on a new urgency in pursuit of a fully inclusive and equitable society in the region. Would you like to contribute to this monumental undertaking? Don’t hesitate. Submit your proposal to GDLab.
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