The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) recently launched its open data portal called “Numbers for Development”. In previous blog posts we have already told you how to use the portal’s tools and how to create your own visualizations. This time, we want to show you how to filter and export data in different formats. These functions are important for you to have the flexibility … [Read more...] about How to filter and export data in the IDB Open Data Portal
Numbers for Development
Numbers for Development (N4D) is the open data portal of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), which allows the Bank's data on social and economic development in Latin America and the Caribbean to be explored, visualized and reused. These data have been collected by the Bank for more than 60 years, and provide information on various topics including macroeconomics, social inclusion and global integration.
This tag brings together all the articles in Abierto al Público about N4D, such as strategies for analyzing the data on the site, tips for carrying out visualizations, updates on new data available, and other relevant information.
How to create your own visualizations in the IDB open data portal
Leer blogpost en español This is the second blogpost of the series of tutorials on “Numbers for Development” By María Violeta Bertolini, Embedded librarian for the Institutions for Development Sector and member of the reference team at the Felipe Herrera Library of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) As we announced in our previous blogpost, the Inter-American … [Read more...] about How to create your own visualizations in the IDB open data portal
5 ways to use the IDB’s new open data portal
Lee el artículo en español/português. This is the first blogpost of the series of tutorials on “Numbers for Development” By Rodrigo Calloni from the Felipe Herrera Library at the Inter-American Development Bank The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) recently launched its Open Data Portal called “Numbers for Development” which allows you to explore, visualize and reuse … [Read more...] about 5 ways to use the IDB’s new open data portal