A historic change According to the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), transparency and access to information, along with proper public communication, are key pillars for strengthening trust between institutions and citizens. In this context, the IDB has taken a historic step by approving its new Access to Information Policy in June 2024, which … [Read more...] about Transforming access to information at the IDB
Access to Information
Access to information refers to a particular type of policy and process, generally involving the creation of laws that oblige the government to publish specific information and that also give citizens the right to request information from their governments.
This tag brings together all the articles written in Abierto al Público on access to information, including those related to the legislation that encourages it, the enactment of new laws and policies, as well as their implementation and impact.
A focus on integrity: a common goal for the IDB Group and civil society
In the wake of COVID-19, the international community at large has called for practicing transparency, integrity and openness in response to the pandemic and ongoing recovery efforts. The Inter-American Development Bank Group’s (IDB Group’s) Office of Institutional Integrity (OII) calls on civil society and members of the public to collaborate in the promotion of open, … [Read more...] about A focus on integrity: a common goal for the IDB Group and civil society
Opening up climate agendas: three international good practices based on access to information
Climate change constitutes a threat to sustainable development, prosperity of all countries, and presents a significant challenge to ending extreme poverty. Recently, the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) issued a report called Global Resources Outlook 2019, noting that historical and current patterns of natural resource use are generating increasingly negative impacts … [Read more...] about Opening up climate agendas: three international good practices based on access to information
Fake news? Distinguishing credible information on the web
Guest post by Dwight Knell, Program Lead at the Credibility Coalition As awareness grows about the importance of establishing credible information, so do concerns about how this credibility is communicated on content traveling around the web. The Internet has offered a platform to truly democratize the spread of information and sharing of knowledge. Decreased barriers and … [Read more...] about Fake news? Distinguishing credible information on the web