The Second Annual United Nations Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All) Forum will take place from May 17-21 in New York and will focus on inspiring action and solutions to reach the three global goals of SE4All by 2030: achieving universal access to modern energy, doubling the rate of renewables, and doubling energy efficiency. To reach these goals, experts in sustainable energy, politicians, and citizens will need resources that guide substantial changes in the way they think about and use energy.
The UN SE4All initiative has partnered with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to form a regional online Hub, SE4All Americas, to coordinate free resources, publications, and tools related to sustainable energy, in support of the goals of SE4All in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Listed below are six excellent free webinars and online courses, many of them available in both English and Spanish, for those interested in working towards a more sustainable energy future. These free webinars and courses explore new and emerging sustainable energy technologies and their real world application.
1Planning for Universal Access to Energy
This webinar, held jointly by the United Nations Foundation’s Energy Access Practitioner Network and SE4All Americas in collaboration with the Clean Energy Solutions Center, provides expert advice on planning for universal access to energy. It explores the current situation of access to electricity and the challenges to achieving universal energy access in Latin American and the Caribbean. The webinar also offers insights into why planning is so important, as well as the best practices for carrying out plans.
2Application of River Hydrokinetic Technologies in Latin America and the Caribbean
This webinar hosted by the Energy Innovation Center explores the emerging field of River Hydrokinetic (RHK) energy as a low impact, renewable source for electricity generation that has great potential in Latin America and the Caribbean.
3Geothermal Energy
The Energy Innovation Center hosts this webinar, which explores how climate change concerns combined with competitive costs have turned geothermal energy into a viable solution for countries looking to diversify their energy matrix. In Latin America and the Caribbean, where geothermal potential is high, this could be an important resource.
4 Efficient Street Lighting
Leonardo Energy offers many free webinars on sustainable energy, one of which focuses on the potential for efficient street lighting to produce immense energy savings. New street lighting technology can reduce electricity consumption by 50-70%, and this webinar outlines the main guidelines for designing and implementing efficient street lighting projects.
5Climate Finance Essentials: Innovative Finance for the Climate Change Challenge
Offered by the World Bank, this course provides an overview of the critical concepts of climate finance as well as tangible best practices for scaling-up international climate finance to address mitigation and adaptation activities in developing countries.
The course will take place from June 2nd to the 23rd and the application is open until May 19th.
6Capacity Building Program on Renewable Energy
This course was designed by the Observatory for Renewable Energy in Latin America and the Caribbean to provide training focused on energy access, which is one of the three priorities of the SE4All initiative. The course includes seven e-learning modules focused on the following areas: energy and climate change, thermos-solar energy, photovoltaic systems, small hydro, biogas agro waste biogas, wind energy, and energy efficiency in buildings.
This Capacity Building Programme on Renewable Energy is a cost free e-learning methodology in a self-study modality.
What other free sustainable energy webinars and courses would you recommend? Include your comments and recommendations below in support of achieving the goals of SE4All.
By Alice Driver from Sustainable Energy for All Americas in the Energy Division at the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).
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