The rate of skilled emigration from small states and territories, defined either by territory size, population size, national income or some combination thereof, tends to be persistently high over time. Docuquir and Schiff (2008) found that small states had a brain drain rate five times that of all developing countries, twelve times that of high-income countries, and eight … [Read more...] about Brain Drain: A Curse of Small States?
Social Systems
Caribbean Firms: The Path to Job Creation is Innovation
Firms play a key role in development through investments, engaging in trade, creating jobs, increasing productivity, and providing a wide range of goods and services needed to improve living standards. However, because of crime, Caribbean firms see their annual sales reduced by 6 percent. Undoubtedly, crime is an issue of concern for policy makers and citizens in the … [Read more...] about Caribbean Firms: The Path to Job Creation is Innovation
Looking for business opportunities? Join us at the Procurement Fair in Belize!
Are you a consultant, a contractor or a service provider? Join the Inter-American Development Bank, the World Bank, and the Caribbean Development Bank on October 6 to learn more about business and career opportunities at the Procurement Fair in Belize. Don’t miss this chance to connect with these organizations! To register … [Read more...] about Looking for business opportunities? Join us at the Procurement Fair in Belize!
The People’s Money: Getting Procurement Right
Procurement Right from Caribbean Country Department IDB on Vimeo. Public Procurement refers to the spending of taxpayers' money by the government to acquire various goods and services for delivery to the public. Better road networks, hospital facilities and schools are just a few of the public goods that procurement delivers. Considering the limited resources available … [Read more...] about The People’s Money: Getting Procurement Right
Shifting The Frontiers: Caribbean Convergence
In this interview, Mr. Dookeran[1] and Dr. Carlos Elias[2] discuss the process of ‘Caribbean Convergence’. Mr. Dookeran and Dr. Carlos Elias recently edited a book called ‘Shifting The Frontiers: An Action Framework For The Future Of The Caribbean’. Below you will find a short summary of the interview. Shifting the Frontiers: Caribbean Convergence from Caribbean Country … [Read more...] about Shifting The Frontiers: Caribbean Convergence