Photo of Haitian Tap Tap, courtesy of Wikimedia Commons, User Teemeah I want to share with you an experience that convinced me that in Haiti a better future is possible. My story begins shortly after the 2010 earthquake. Those days were quite memorable for the impassable roads filed with debris, destroyed buildings and those on the verge of collapsing, many … [Read more...] about Counting Fishes…Or Tap Taps !
Can a Red T-shirt Really Save a Life? I made my first trip to Haiti in mid-2009, when my curiosity led me to visit a nonprofit organization I had read about in a book. I was so impressed by their work that I opted to join in and teach English to a classroom full of young boys and girls and I fell in love with their beautiful smiles. A year later, I returned, but this time I … [Read more...] about Can a Red T-shirt Really Save a Life?
Hey, Aren’t You the Flag Girl?
Like both my parents, I am an engineer by profession. I was born and grew up in Haiti where I attended an all-girls catholic school. I was exposed to the world of construction from a very early age, either at my mother’s office where, as an architect, she would draw large blueprints for commercial buildings and houses, or on our occasional visits to actual construction … [Read more...] about Hey, Aren’t You the Flag Girl?
Haitian Dollars: Myth or Reality?
by Guest blogger, Hilaire Notewo-Petsoh When you have friends, and you travel all the time, the least you can do for them, beyond photographs and Facebook status updates, is bring back some tangible souvenirs from your trip. Lately, I have been traveling a lot to Haiti; and every time I land in that beautiful country, I always like to shop. The diversity and the beauty of … [Read more...] about Haitian Dollars: Myth or Reality?
Can measuring the impact of economic development come down to centimeters?
Haiti’s hydroelectric plant, built in Péligre forty years ago, has reached the end of its life cycle. With a generating capacity of 54 MW, Péligre is the largest power plant in the country and the biggest civil engineering work that the country has known, save the construction of the Citadelle Laferrière. The driving force behind the plant is a barrage in the Artibonite River … [Read more...] about Can measuring the impact of economic development come down to centimeters?