*Este blog foi publicado originalmente em espanhol no blog “Abierto ao Público” A resposta à crise do coronavírus deixou evidente a escassez de equipamentos de proteção individual e de dispositivos médicos críticos. Segundo a OMS, globalmente, a capacidade de fornecer itens necessários por meio de fornecedores tradicionais está sob … [Leia mais...] about 3D: makers de países vizinhos fabricam suprimentos médicos para combater a COVID-19
Michelle Marshall

Michelle Marshall
Michelle Marshall was the editor of Abierto al Público from 2018 to 2020. She has worked as a knowledge management consultant at the IDB since 2016 facilitating collaborative knowledge-sharing activities and documenting open innovation techniques. Michelle is specifically interested in the application of systems thinking and human-centered design approaches to the widely shared challenges of international development. She studied International Relations at the George Washington University and Designing for Inclusion at the Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design.