Desde el primer bono verde emitido en el 2007, el mercado mundial de bonos verdes ha crecido exponencialmente hasta superar la marca de 1 trillón de dólares en valor acumulado de emisión (CBI 2021). Este rápido crecimiento se debe en parte al compromiso de Paris acordado en el 2015 de limitar el aumento de la temperatura media mundial por debajo de los 1.5 °C, y el aumento en … [Leer más...] about Rompiendo fronteras: Cómo expandir de forma sostenible el mercado de bonos verdes
Isabelle Braly Cartillier

Isabelle Braly Cartillier
Isabelle Braly-Cartillier is a Lead Specialist in the Resource Mobilization Division at the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), focusing on innovative financial instruments for climate and biodiversity. She previously worked in the IDB’s Capital Markets and Financial Institutions, focusing on developing sustainable debt markets in Latin America and the Caribbean. She also worked on socio-environmental risk management in the financial sector. Prior to joining the IDB, Isabelle worked for over ten years in investment banking, structuring financial products for a wide range of public and private financial institutions, including development banks and pension funds in Asia, Africa, and Europe. She holds a master’s degree in management from EM Lyon Business School in France.