La conectividad digital podría ayudarnos a cerrar la brecha de género en el mundo laboral y esto representaría un aumento del 35% del Producto Interno Bruto (PIB) en el mundo, de acuerdo con estimaciones del Fondo Monetario Internacional. Políticas públicas que ayudan a cerrar la brecha digital de género no solamente contribuyen para la creación de sociedades más justas e … [Lee más...] Acerca de Aumentar la inclusión digital de las mujeres puede impulsar la recuperación económica en la postpandemia
Antonio García Zaballos
Antonio García Zaballos is the Lead Specialist in telecommunications in the Institutions for Development Department and Coordinator of the Broadband Platform of the Inter-American Development Bank. Antonio has extensive experience in the telecommunications sector where he has had different responsibilities. At Deloitte Spain, he led the regulation practice and strategy for Latin America and the Caribbean, and previously he was Chief Economist at Telefónica’s Office of Economic Regulation Studies in Spain. He also served as the Deputy Director of the Economic Analysis and Markets Department of Spanish telecom regulator (CMT). During his professional career, Antonio has advised regulators, telecommunications operators, and governments in such countries as Saudi Arabia, China, Ecuador, Argentina, the Dominican Republic, Paraguay, Poland, the Czech Republic among others. Antonio also serves as an expert on several committees, including the World Economic Forum’s Internet Initiative, and the United Nations’ Broadband Commission. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the Carlos III University of Madrid and is an Associated Professor of Applied Finance to Telecommunications at the Instituto de Empresa Business School, and of Economic Regulation at American University and Johns Hopkins University. He is the author of several publications on economic and regulatory aspects for the telecommunications sector.

Antonio García Zaballos
Antonio García Zaballos is the Lead Specialist in telecommunications in the Institutions for Development Department and Coordinator of the Broadband Platform of the Inter-American Development Bank. Antonio has extensive experience in the telecommunications sector where he has had different responsibilities. At Deloitte Spain, he led the regulation practice and strategy for Latin America and the Caribbean, and previously he was Chief Economist at Telefónica’s Office of Economic Regulation Studies in Spain. He also served as the Deputy Director of the Economic Analysis and Markets Department of Spanish telecom regulator (CMT). During his professional career, Antonio has advised regulators, telecommunications operators, and governments in such countries as Saudi Arabia, China, Ecuador, Argentina, the Dominican Republic, Paraguay, Poland, the Czech Republic among others. Antonio also serves as an expert on several committees, including the World Economic Forum’s Internet Initiative, and the United Nations’ Broadband Commission. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the Carlos III University of Madrid and is an Associated Professor of Applied Finance to Telecommunications at the Instituto de Empresa Business School, and of Economic Regulation at American University and Johns Hopkins University. He is the author of several publications on economic and regulatory aspects for the telecommunications sector.