Latin America and the Caribbean is known as one of the least equal regions in the world - and it is also unequal in terms of health. Did you know that digital tools can help reduce these inequalities? Health inequalities in Latin America and the Caribbean In many countries of the region, the infant mortality rate for the poorest families is more than double of the richest … [Read more...] about Reducing health inequalities using digital health tools
Digital Healthcare
What’s in a name? Speaking the same language in digital health
Anyone who knows the work of William Shakeaspeare in Romeo and Juliet recognizes these famous lines: “What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet!” In @BIDgente we have been asking a similar question regarding Electronic Health Record systems. What happens when we give different names to the same thing? In health systems, it can be … [Read more...] about What’s in a name? Speaking the same language in digital health
Business as Unusual or Back-to-the-Future: COVID-19 and Healthcare System Integration
COVID-19 has upended health systems globally, with uncertain implications for the future of healthcare and beyond. What is certain, however, is that all healthcare systems undoubtedly face a “new normal” in their journey to achieve universal health coverage (UHC) and become more resilient to future stresses. Yet, without also addressing chronic stresses, particularly … [Read more...] about Business as Unusual or Back-to-the-Future: COVID-19 and Healthcare System Integration
Why Digital Tools Could Be Key to Reopening the Region
Deserted parks, shuttered businesses, rush-hour traffic reduced to a trickle: it no longer comes off as hyperbole to say the world has been put on hold. In Latin America and the Caribbean, 13 countries have chosen to enter complete lockdown, and 12 have gone the route of a partial or sector-based quarantine. While measures are constantly evolving in response to changing … [Read more...] about Why Digital Tools Could Be Key to Reopening the Region
How Israel Delivers Healthcare Value
Israel is one of the smallest countries in the world, but it has delivered some of the biggest results in healthcare. It has a 90% patient satisfaction rate, top-tier rankings by international health measures, one of the lowest costs-per-patient in the world, a world-class community and primary care system, and Israel has become a leading developer and exporter of life-saving … [Read more...] about How Israel Delivers Healthcare Value