The international game of hopscotch Policymakers worldwide try to boost economic growth and investment, including by attracting foreign direct investment (FDI). For this purpose, they revise investment laws, reduce administrative burdens, propose new investment incentives schemes, and create and reinvent the agencies charged with promoting and facilitating investment – … [Read more...] about How to create effective investment promotion agencies?
Foreign Direct Investment
Boosting trade cooperation with Korea
Over the last 20 years, Korea has become one of Latin America and the Caribbean’s (LAC) most dynamic trade partners. Bilateral trade quadrupled, reaching US$43 billion in 2018, and foreign direct investment from Korea in LAC has both increased and diversified. Korea is the Asian economy with the largest network of free trade agreements with LAC countries, with a total of … [Read more...] about Boosting trade cooperation with Korea
The European Union and Mercosur, a Historic and Promising Deal
When the European Union (EU) and Mercosur recently announced their free trade agreement after 20 years of negotiations, we were elated. This pact cements a historic opportunity for the four Southern Cone countries to grow their economies, internationalize their companies, be more competitive, and add new jobs. The deal is one of the world’s largest, comparable in size to … [Read more...] about The European Union and Mercosur, a Historic and Promising Deal
Argentina Is Becoming a Hub for Knowledge-Based Services
Architectural plans, legal and accounting consultancy work, software and mobile app development, web design, and film and video game production are just some of the many knowledge-based services (KBSs) that Argentina exports. The country’s export profile no longer centers on cuts of beef or wine, traditional products like yerba mate or dulce de leche, or even tango moves and … [Read more...] about Argentina Is Becoming a Hub for Knowledge-Based Services
Korea and LAC: New Frontiers in the Asia-Latin American Relationship
[gdlr_notification icon="icon-flag" type="color-background" background="#fbb034" color="#ffffff"]The most important business forum between Korea and Latin America and the Caribbean was held in Seoul on October 23 and 24. Inter-American Development Bank authorities, the Ministry of Strategy and Finance, the Korean Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA) and Eximbank … [Read more...] about Korea and LAC: New Frontiers in the Asia-Latin American Relationship