Every three years, the CEO Summit of the Americas brings together heads of state and leading CEOs from the region to analyze opportunities for promoting economic growth and investment and facilitating trade through unprecedented interaction between the public and private sectors via the Americas Business Dialogue (ABD). Some 12 heads of state and over 1,000 business leaders … [Read more...] about Twelve Heads of State and More than 1,000 Business Leaders Take Part in the CEO Summit of the Americas
Regional Integration
Increasing the Involvement of Latin American Companies in Global Value Chains
The fragmentation of production processes is an enormous opportunity for countries and companies wishing to put themselves on the global manufacturing and export map What might a vehicle part, a jacket with motion sensors for gaming, a quinoa harvest, or software for managing dairy cattle have in common? All these goods and services are “Made in the Americas,” a marketing … [Read more...] about Increasing the Involvement of Latin American Companies in Global Value Chains
Technology, a tool to integrate women into the markets of the region
Industrial Revolution 4.0, which is marked by the use of robotics, automation, artificial intelligence, and digitization in the economy and everyday life, has brought massive benefits, including greater efficiency and productivity. However, its potential for destroying jobs is also prompting genuine concerns. This challenge is facing citizens the world over, but Latin Americans … [Read more...] about Technology, a tool to integrate women into the markets of the region
Smart Highways Speed Up Border Crossings
In the 21st century, new technologies have brought exponential progress to many sectors and industries, so much so that we are said to be living through the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0). At the same time, changes in the world of telecommunications mean that we can connect to one another at practically any time, regardless of where we are. These changes are also … [Read more...] about Smart Highways Speed Up Border Crossings
Why can’t I e-buy from my neighbors?
Regulatory obstacles to cross-border e-commerce in Latin America and the Caribbean. Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) is home to 400 million internet users, meaning that 60% of its population has online access. In 2017, 140 million digital buyers living in the region spent an estimated US$60 billion in online retail. Most strikingly, LAC is the region with the highest … [Read more...] about Why can’t I e-buy from my neighbors?