When it comes to education, there's no time to waste. The latest results from the 2022 PISA tests revealed a profound learning crisis in Latin America and the Caribbean, where three out of four students do not achieve basic levels in mathematics. The solutions to overcome this education crisis exist. This blog post presents a path forward with proven solutions to tackle the … [Read more...] about Learning Can’t Wait: Solutions to Overcoming the Education Crisis
Inter-American Development Bank
The ABCs of Critical Thinking: What It Is and Why It Matters
Thinking is a natural act for human beings. Every day, we have thousands of thoughts. However, just because we are thinking does not mean we are doing it well or that all our thoughts require critical reasoning because doing so would be too exhausting. Critical thinking becomes a core skill in a world that is changing so dynamically. Thinking critically not only helps with … [Read more...] about The ABCs of Critical Thinking: What It Is and Why It Matters
Beyond the PISA Snapshot: How to Reduce Learning Gaps with Tutoring?
Giovanna feels confident and capable of learning mathematics. As a fifth-grade student in Guanajuato, Mexico, she is one of the more than 8,500 students participating in remote tutoring programs in 10 Latin American countries. Developed collaboratively by regional Ministries of Education, universities, and civil society organizations, these programs are supported … [Read more...] about Beyond the PISA Snapshot: How to Reduce Learning Gaps with Tutoring?
The learning crisis of adolescents in Latin America and the Caribbean: A first look at the new PISA results
Last week saw the release of new data from the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), implemented by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Fifteen-year-old students from fourteen Latin American and Caribbean countries participated in this international large-scale student assessment, which was postponed by a year due to the COVID-19 … [Read more...] about The learning crisis of adolescents in Latin America and the Caribbean: A first look at the new PISA results
Recalibrating the Learning Compass: Curriculum Reforms in Latin America And The Caribbean
What should a student know? What knowledge is most necessary? How should we teach? The answer to all these questions lies in the educational curriculum – the roadmap that lays out the knowledge and skills students should acquire in school. The faster society changes, the more flexible the curriculum should be to adapt and respond to new needs. This is probably why curriculum … [Read more...] about Recalibrating the Learning Compass: Curriculum Reforms in Latin America And The Caribbean