Like almost three million Venezuelans, Yoxana Serpa arrived in Colombia in search of a better future. Leaving her homeland, her job and her family, drained many emotions and involved falling and getting up on her feet to keep moving forward. However, the challenges she faced do not begin with migration; they begin long before, with the relationship she had with her father and … [Read more...] about Yoxana Serpa’s Story: How a Migrant Mother’s Mental Health Protects Her Children’s Future
Early Childhood Development
Shaping the Future of Childhood: Two Key Pillars to Improve Child Development in Ecuador
"My son came here unable to speak. He wouldn't talk, he wouldn't share. He went through a total change. He is an open, cheerful, fun child today," Alexandra tells us excitedly. She is one of the mothers who takes her son to the Child Development Center (CDI) in Ibarra, Ecuador, every morning. It is a free service that is a great help for her son's upbringing and … [Read more...] about Shaping the Future of Childhood: Two Key Pillars to Improve Child Development in Ecuador
A Project to Address Childhood Malnutrition Through the Use of Data
The Latin American and Caribbean region faces a severe malnutrition problem, including undernutrition, overweight and obesity: according to the latest FAO report (2023), the prevalence of overweight in children under 5 has increased in the last two decades and the reduction in the prevalence of stunting, which is at 11.5%, has slowed down in recent years. In Chile, this is a … [Read more...] about A Project to Address Childhood Malnutrition Through the Use of Data
Ecuador and Its Adaptation Strategy to Care for the Youngest During Times of Crisis
In order to care for the most vulnerable people in times of crisis, social protection systems need to be adaptive and resilient –– that is, they need to be able to adjust and respond flexibly and efficiently to different emergency scenarios. At the Regional Policy Dialogue, we met with policy and decision-makers from Latin America and the Caribbean to review and discuss best … [Read more...] about Ecuador and Its Adaptation Strategy to Care for the Youngest During Times of Crisis
If You Have Just Become a Mother and Have Questions About Breastfeeding, This Article Is for You
Motherhood, especially in the beginning, can be overwhelming. Particularly today, when information abounds and it's just a matter of opening your phone to find a myriad of influencers and social media accounts explaining the "dos and don'ts" of parenting, which can often feel like pressure. In this post, in the context of World Breastfeeding Week, we summarize some keys about … [Read more...] about If You Have Just Become a Mother and Have Questions About Breastfeeding, This Article Is for You