We are very happy to announce the winner and five finalists of IDB´s bloggers contest.
The winner is Berna Iskandar from Caracas, Venezuela with the post “Spanking at the right time”.
The five finalists (in alphabetical order) are:
- Francisca Jordan (Port au Spain, Trinidad y Tobago): “Child care solutions in Trinidad and Tobago”
- Ángeles Destefano (Argentina): “Reassessing the value of mothers”
- Karina Tejada Campos (Antofagasta-Chile): “The forgotten and found again lessons of early education”
- Laura Valadez (Mexico): “Child Poverty in Mexico: Challenges ahead”
- Ivon Damarys Valencia Muñoz (Itagüí-Colombia): “It’s time to gain confidence!”
The posts were evaluated by a committee of four early childhood specialists, who evaluated in the following dimensions: i) relevance, ii) content and iii) writing.
On Tuesday, January 22 the winner’s post will be published on this site; and subsequently every two weeks, the articles of the five finalists will be published in the same site in alphabetical order.
We would like to thank the 125 participants from 17 different countries for sending in their valuable contributions!
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