By Márcia Gomes da Rocha and Francisco Ochoa. This week, the Government of Brazil has launched Açao Brazil Carinhoso - ABC (Loving Action Brazil) as part of the Plano Brasil Sem Miséria (Brazil Without Misery Plan). This new comprehensive program seeks to ensure that children receive sufficient care, food and stimulation to allow for their full development. ABC aims to … [Read more...] about Ação Brasil Carinhoso evens the playing field for Brazilian children
Overcoming Guatemala’s malnutrition epidemic
By Daniela Philipp. There is alarming news on malnutrition from Guatemala: 49.8% of children between 3 and 59 months of age suffer from chronic malnutrition (this is higher than in any other region in the world!). 29.1% of pregnant women and 47.7% of children between 6 and 59 months have anemia. 47% of indigenous women and 53% of non-indigenous women were … [Read more...] about Overcoming Guatemala’s malnutrition epidemic
Chicago boys (and girls!) interested in childhood issues around the globe
By Norbert Schady. A conference on “Investing in early Childhood: A Global Perspective on the Interplay between Family and Interventions” was held at the University of Chicago on April 20 and 21. The conference brought together speakers from a variety of disciplines (economists, philosophers, child development specialists, neurologists, among others). Some presentations … [Read more...] about Chicago boys (and girls!) interested in childhood issues around the globe
Quality in education matters
By Aimee Verdisco. If anyone ever doubted the power of comparison to move policy, consider these results from standardized tests applied to third and sixth graders in math, language and science in 16 countries across the Region (SERCE, 2008): One out of every three children in third grade does not understand the phrase “once upon a time”. Roughly half of all third … [Read more...] about Quality in education matters
Starting off right: paid maternity leave and quality childcare
Working women in Latin America have just three months of maternity leave, which is less than the 14 week minimum established by the ILO’s Maternity Rights Convention 183, according to Challenges No. 12, the joint news bulletin published by ECLAC and UNICEF. In Cuba and Venezuela, on the other hand, working women receive 18 weeks of 100% paid leave. As of 2011, working mothers … [Read more...] about Starting off right: paid maternity leave and quality childcare