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Marcelo Cerna

Marcelo Cerna
Marcelo has a bachelor's degree in legal and social sciences from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, which he earned in 1988, and obtained his law degree in 1990. He also holds a master’s degree in international business law from American University, Washington College of Law (2003), and he has pursued executive leadership studies at Harvard Kennedy School and MIT Sloan School of Management. His professional career has primarily focused on the public sector and public policy, with significant expertise in transparency and access to information issues. In 2018, Marcelo was part of the technical team that developed a new Access to Information Policy for IDB Invest, the private sector arm of the IDB Group. In 2021 he led the technical group responsible for preparing the new Access to Information Policy for the IDB, which was approved by its Executive Board in June 2024. Marcelo has participated as a speaker in several conferences addressing access to information and has moderated discussion panels on this topic. He is also a member of the IFI Working Group on Disclosure Information and Stakeholder Engagement, which includes various multilateral development institutions. From its position, Marcelo seeks to promote a culture of an Open Bank through access to information, reflecting the Inter-American Development Bank's commitment to transparency in its daily work. Before leading the Access to Information Section, Marcelo worked as a lawyer in the Legal Department of the IDB, as well as in the Budget Directorate of the Chilean Ministry of Finance.