2015 marked a milestone in the international agenda following the United Nations’ approval of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These guidelines set forth specific goals that can be achieved in the next 15 years. One of the established objectives is goal 6, which is to ensure access to water and sanitation for all. Although we have made great progress in the region, … [Read more...] about 5 Open Iniciatives for the Sustainable Management of Water, Sanitation and Solid Waste
Actionable Resources
This tag brings together all the articles written in Abierto al Público that contain actionable resources, which means that the readers will be able to use the content of the article and/or the tools that are shared in it at any time and without any intervention or outside help.
5 Steps to Develop a Knowledge Dissemination Strategy
Leer versión en español If a tree falls in the woods does it make a sound? Well, if there is no one there for the sound to reach, what difference does it make? In the same spirit, if your knowledge never reaches anyone else, how much of a difference can it make? To help your knowledge have an impact we share some recommendations to help you create a knowledge … [Read more...] about 5 Steps to Develop a Knowledge Dissemination Strategy
6 open source tools from UNICEF Innovation that promote development
Leer blogpost en español By UNICEF Innovation This blogpost was originally published in UNICEF Stories For us, innovation at UNICEF means doing something different that adds value. This also means that we need to be agile so we can adapt to the evolving challenges affecting all children. At UNICEF, we use innovation to create solutions that strengthen our work in child … [Read more...] about 6 open source tools from UNICEF Innovation that promote development
8 projects from the USAID Hackathon that help understand crime in Latin America and the Caribbean
As mentioned in an earlier blogpost, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) recently hosted a first-of-its-kind Open Data Hackathon, focusing on crime and violence in Latin America and the Caribbean. The event attracted over 100 participants from approximately 50 organizations worldwide. Participants across four different cities formed teams … [Read more...] about 8 projects from the USAID Hackathon that help understand crime in Latin America and the Caribbean
11 Free Resources to Promote Sustainable Energy
Español The United Nations Initiative Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) aims to reach three main objectives by 2030 providing universal access to modern energy services; doubling the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency; and doubling the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix. To achieve these goals in Latin America and the … [Read more...] about 11 Free Resources to Promote Sustainable Energy