Crime and violence are two ongoing problems in Latin America and the Caribbean that affect millions of people. Central America, in particular Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala, have the highest murder rates and the countries are considered the most crime-ridden and violent region in the world. Since 2008, Congress has appropriated an estimated $803.6 million for Central … [Read more...] about How Open Data can help fight crime in Latin America
Open Data
4-step guide for public sector open innovation
Leer blogpost en español By Sandford Borins, Professor of Public Management in the University of Toronto Public sector innovation – once dismissed as a contradiction in terms – is being seen increasingly as an imperative. It has become the topic of many recent conferences, such as the one from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) on … [Read more...] about 4-step guide for public sector open innovation
IDB opens data on energy matrix in Latin America and the Caribbean
Leer artículo en español By Annette Hester, Project Coordinator, Energy Innovation Center Open knowledge is what open data becomes when it’s useful, usable and used.” (Open Knowledge Foundation) A few months ago, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) Energy Innovation Center published a new online energy database that provides an entirely new way of understanding … [Read more...] about IDB opens data on energy matrix in Latin America and the Caribbean
The IDB will launch its Open Data Portal on development in Latin America and the Caribbean
Versión en español By Norma Palomino, Chief of Library Services at the Inter-American Development Bank As we mentioned in an earlier blogpost, 84% of the population of Latin America lives in municipalities that have open government data policies. As well as this, four nations in the region—Ecuador, Brazil, Mexico and Costa Rica—were among the 70 nations ranked for the … [Read more...] about The IDB will launch its Open Data Portal on development in Latin America and the Caribbean
Why the Caribbean embraces open data
Versión en español Discussions about open data and open government are advancing rapidly in the Caribbean and we are already witnessing some good examples of the benefits of open data in the region. In this post, I would like to briefly review progress being made of the creation of an Open Data ecosystem in the Caribbean and look at a few examples that have been useful to … [Read more...] about Why the Caribbean embraces open data