An abandoned railway, a historic bridge, an empty building, an old industrial site, what do these infrastructures have in common? These “leftover” spaces are becoming attractive sites for urban planners and architects interested in creating people-friendly spaces and community amenities. Recently, while visiting a neighborhood in Montego Bay, Jamaica we walked over an … [Read more...] about Rethinking leftover spaces as public spaces
Industrialização e Adensamento Urbano: As Cidades Podem Arrecadar mais de Fato?
por Roberto Santoro* As organizações privadas se viabilizam em um sistema urbano por uma complexa interação de fatores que envolvem a infraestrutura disponibilizada e a geração de impostos. Algumas cidades obtêm maior competitividade, pelo grau de confiabilidade que geram aos investidores privados, devido à qualidade de seus serviços. … [Read more...] about Industrialização e Adensamento Urbano: As Cidades Podem Arrecadar mais de Fato?
Could Universal Energy Access Help Slow the Growth of Our Cities?
English | Español | Portugués Rural-urban migration has fueled the growth of emerging cities in Latin America and the Caribbean, like Goiânia, Brazil (1.3 million) and Cochabamba, Bolivia (1.5 million), putting stress on urban infrastructure and water and energy resources. The United Nations initiative Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) has three goals - to provide … [Read more...] about Could Universal Energy Access Help Slow the Growth of Our Cities?
2 Ways Sustainable Energy Could Make Cities Safer for Women
Invisible women? In predominantly male sectors like energy and urban planning, women are mostly invisible players. Women, especially in developing countries, have little say over energy choices and the use of renewable energy given that culturally, men are the primary decision-makers. And yet women are still the primary household energy managers, which means energy poverty … [Read more...] about 2 Ways Sustainable Energy Could Make Cities Safer for Women