One of the most important quotes in any business is, “if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it”. Today, more than ever, this quote is also true for cities where the rise in use of connected devices in urban space has immensely increased the amount of data generated – 90% of data available in 2016 was created in the two years prior[1]. This growth will continue to be … [Read more...] about Why should governments and cities use their data better?
Pablo Cerdeira
Pablo Cerdeira es el director del Centro de Tecnología y Sociedad en FGV y responsable del proyecto de uso de grandes volúmenes de datos para la administración pública de la Ciudad de Río de Janeiro, en Big Data: PENSA - Ideas Room. Fue asesor del Consejo Nacional de Justicia, profesor de la Fundación Getúlio Vargas - RJ, y subsecretario de Protección al Consumidor y Director de Datos de la Ciudad de Río. Tiene experiencia en derecho, con énfasis en derecho y tecnología, trabajando principalmente en las áreas de software libre, derecho, linux, tecnología de la información y bases de datos. En la intersección entre la ley, la administración pública, la programación y la ciencia de datos, fue el creador del Proyecto de Números Supremos de la Escuela de Derecho de Rio de la Fundación Getúlio Vargas - FGV.

Pablo Cerdeira
Pablo Cerdeira is the Head of the Center for Technology and Society in FGV and responsible for the project of use of large volumes of data for the public administration of the City of Rio de Janeiro, at Big Data: PENSA - Ideas Room. He was the former advisor to the National Council of Justice, professor at the Getúlio Vargas Foundation - RJ, and undersecretary for Consumer Protection and Chief Data Officer of the City of Rio. He has experience in law, with emphasis on law and technology, working mainly in the areas of free software, law, Linux, information technology and databases. In the intersection between law, public administration, programming and data science, he was the creator of the Supreme Numbers Project of Rio Law School of the Getúlio Vargas Foundation – FGV.